The Legend of Ralxik & Jas-Qul
Ralxik and Jas-Qul were the two greatest dragons to walk Cael since Bahamut and Tiamat, the most ancient, most powerful. They believed dragons to be the greatest and most intelligent of all creatures, and believed that they ought to rule the world.
Dragons, in their time, warred and fought amongst each other, and had no sense of kinship or unity. The blood bond of the dragon twins, however, kept them loyal to one another. The two of them combined were more powerful than any foe they faced. They dubbed their alliance of siblings the Noxti’räx, the Blue Order (or, Elvicized, Nosticov). Jas-Qul was the brains of their operation, and Ralxik was the brawn, Jas-Qul the good cop, Ralxik the bad cop, Jas-Qul the bark, Ralxik the bite.
The two tried with their charms and their might to sway other dragons to join their cause, but they were all too prideful, and so they fell to the fury of the Noxti’räx. “Won’t anyone join our great clan?” The twins asked of the dragons. And no one answered, for the twins had slain them all, and driven the rest into hiding.
The twins were irked at this. If they two were mighty with their forces combined, how mighty could they be with more joining their ranks? If the other dragons had only listened, they could have defeated all the Saints, and eventually subjugated the World itself.
It was clear to the twins that there was only one way to create truly loyal allies. They had to expand their family. They ingratiated themselves with humanoids, intending to sire half-dragon children. Overall they favored the clashing elven kingdoms of Norfair and of Selas. Ralxik once tried to get the might of the Drow on their side, to little avail.
All the humanoids were in awe of the dragon twins, and swore allegiance to them, paying tribute with gold and gems. And still, the half-dragon children would not join them in rising up against the Saints. They were either too dull, not at all like Jas-Qul, to see the potential of their alliance, or too cowardly, not at all like Ralxik, to dare to rise up against nature itself.
Furious, Ralxik declared that no creature on Caél was worthy to fight alongside the twins, but Jas-Qul, always the clever one, knew better. Jas-Qul isolated themself in a cliffside cave, surrounded on all sides by sea, and crafted a child, a blue dragon egg. This child, they told Ralxik, would be able to finish what the twins had started and win the alliance of all the mortals, uniting them against gods and spirits. But creating a dragon child alone had sapped all the strength from Jas-Qul, and they declared that it was their last act. Ralxik did not want to be alone in Caél, and so the two made preparations to leave the world...